Core Edge Weekly Tips for 2009-10-26

  • SEO Edge: Regulate incoming links to your site for best SEO results. Don't waste time w/ sites with 3 or less Google Page Rank(GPR) #
  • Core Media Concepts will be the new web developer for Panacea Nutritionals. More info to come. #
  • Core Media Concepts is proud to announce the official launch of the new Florida Parking Association website – #

Core Edge Weekly Tips for 2009-10-19

  • SEO Edge: Make sure to make keywords or key phrases prominent by bolding, italicizing, or linking them. Search engines take note of this. #

Core Edge Weekly Tips for 2009-10-12

  • SEO Edge: Avoid using font size 1 when possible as this is often looked at by search engines as spamming or keyword filling #

Take Advantage of Technology

It’s a fact that first impressions are lasting ones. As far as your business is concerned, the first piece of tangible advertising you normally give to a prospect is your business card. Your business card can work wonders if you have the right look, feel, and message. Your first impression should be unique, separating your company from your competitors.

With so many marketing and collateral options available today, it is difficult to identify what items will fit your needs best. Interactive business cards are a great means to get your name out there in a very modern, cost-effective way.  These cards can double as your traditional print brochure, reducing your company’s expenditures and streamlining your collateral. If you want to increase your brand awareness and set yourself apart, interactive collateral and business cards could be your golden ticket…or card!

Core Edge Weekly Tips for 2009-09-21

  • Marketing Edge: Corporate sponsorship of charity events can be a great way to promote your business & and give back to the community. #
  • SEO Edge: Run your code through a validator and keep it clean. Removing trivial errors makes real errors easier to find. #
  • SEO Edge: Optimize folders & directories w/ keywords so that your permalinks/sub url's help your SEO efforts & maximize keyword saturation. #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-09-14

  • SEO Edge: Only use layout or tables if it produces cleaner HTML than CSS. #

Increase Your Site’s Visibility With Web Directories

Web directories are a very valuable tool for your inbound linking strategies and can also aid in your web site’s search engine placement. You can find plenty of good directories by searching on your targeted keyword phrase in any major search engine. A lot of times you can locate highly targeted directories, with substantial amounts of traffic, for little to no cost at all. Directories tend to be very easy to navigate and serve as a quick way for your target market to locate your business.

To evaluate the value of a specific web directory, consider the ranking of the page where the link placement of your site will occur. The ranking is indicative of how important search engines may find a specific page in that directory. Directories are a great way to increase the amount of qualified traffic to your web site which will in turn lead to higher client conversion ratios.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-09-07

  • Marketing Edge: Google AdWords allows paid inclusion in the top search results & can be an effective approach to marketing your website. #
  • SEO Edge: Title tags should not contain stop words such as “and”, “the”, etc. These only stop spiders from getting important words indexed #
  • SEO Edge: Bing SEO is becoming popular. The key to optimization for this new engine is fresh content as it feeds on real time “live” data. #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-08-31

  • SEO Edge: Control incoming links to your site for best SEO results. Avoid sites with 3 or less Google PageRank as they will have no effect #
  • SEO Edge: Twitter is a great way to enhance your keyword density. Make sure that your site includes a Twitter feed near the top of the page #

Why Ask Why?

To become more effective in your sales efforts, you should always include a well rounded strategy for questioning and learning about your prospect. This type of approach allows you to really dig deep to find out what your prospect’s true objectives and goals are. Always ask questions that require more than a “Yes” or “No” response and that deal with more than just pricing, standard procedures, or technical issues. Formulate your questions so that you can make apparent what the prospect’s thoughts and motivations are. This way you can really assess their needs. Understand what it is that they are looking for from you and tailor your responses to best address these things. Always ask for more information if necessary so you can better position your products/services to show that you understand the client’s objectives and needs.